Scientific Information Policy Board (SIPB)

SIPB Meeting

The Scientific Information Policy Board (SIPB) is an inter-departmental body reporting to the Director for Research and Computing. It deals with any matters related to policies, strategies, and technology services related to the management of scientific information for the high-energy physics community.

The SIPB was established in 1990, and the mandate was updated in December 2022.

SIPB meetings

The SIPB typically meets two to three times per year upon invitation of its chair. Meeting details and minutes have been available online since 1995 to the CERN community (login required).

Current members of the SIPB

  • Michelangelo Mangano, TH (Chairman)
  • Alexander Kohls, RCS (Secretary)
  • Carlos Lourenço, EP (Chair CREB, EP)
  • Brigitte Bloch-Devaux, EP (non-LHC experiments)
  • Jamie Boyd, EP (other LHC experiments)
  • Sergio Calatroni, TE
  • Zaida Conesa del Valle and Francesco Prino, EP (ALICE)
  • Federico Ferri, EP (ACCU)
  • Aurelio Juste Rozas, EP (ATLAS)
  • Detlef Küchler (BE)
  • Greg Landsberg, EP (CMS)
  • Ana Lopes, IR, DG, FAP, HR, IPT, SCE
  • Stefan Roiser, IT
  • Thierry Stora, SY
  • Stefania Vecchi, EP (LHCb)


  • German Cancio (IT, Collaborative Applications)
  • Sünje Dallmeier-Tiessen (SIS, Open Science Tools)
  • Anne Gentil-Beccot (SIS, Open Access Tools)
  • Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez​ (IT, CDS)
  • Micha Moskovic (SIS, INSPIRE)
  • Kamran Naim (SIS, Open Science)
  • Salomé Rohr (SIS, Library)
  • Harris Tzovanakis (SIS, Tools & Services)
  • Jens Vigen (SIS, Publishing)
  • Joachim Mnich (DRC, standing invitation)
  • Pippa Wells (Deputy DRC, standing invitation)
Last modified
17 June, 2024